Problem of Dental Cavities in Young Children


Early Childhood Caries

It is also referred to as Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. This is commonly observed in the teeth of young infants and children. It is seen the affected area is most commonly the upper anterior or molar tooth. The lower anterior is commonly unaffected. Negligence can make this condition worse, consult with our best dentist in ludhiana

Every kid is at risk of early tooth decay. The enamel of baby teeth is much softer than adults. Thin enamel increases the chances of tooth decay in children. But the good news is that tooth decay can be prevented with simple tips. 

Tooth plays a crucial role in eating and speaking activities. They also contribute to guiding permanent teeth into the right position since it is crucial to give attention to your kids’ teeth right from the start. 

Causes of Tooth Decay 

Mouth bacteria generally feed on sugar and drink. These bacteria form acid, which erodes the outer layer of teeth. Saliva in the mouth helps repair the damage. However, over time, a bigger hole can be created, causing cavities in the tooth. 

Process of Tooth Decay

The process of tooth decay is also known as ‘carries.’ In the early stage, teeth develop white, chalky areas, and later on, they are converted into brown or black spots. 

“Nursing bottle caries” and infant baby bottle decay are two additional names that are used to refer to this issue. These names indicate that tooth decay usually happens when a child sleeps with a bottle of milk in his mouth. Milk can pool the mouth with lactose, and saliva is unable to protect the damaged teeth against the sugary liquid. 

Tooth decay in early childhood is common if children drink too much sugary syrup and sweet drinks. Avoid or limit the intake of sweet liquid for better oral health. 

Signs of early childhood tooth decay

Early childhood caries develop over time and might be difficult to detect in their early stages.

Tooth decay may appear as follows:

The first sign of decay is a dull white band on the tooth surface near the gum line, which is often missed by parents. A yellow, brown, or black band on the tooth surface near the gum line indicates decay progression. Teeth that resemble brownish-black stumps indicate advanced decay.

Prevention of Tooth Decay in Young Children 

Healthy eating habits from childhood can help in preventing dental issues in children. Good eating habits help avoid tooth decay.

To avoid tooth decay:

> Once your baby has completed nursing, take them from the breast or bottle.

> Do not put the infant to bed with a bottle.

> Never put sugary drinks in a baby’s bottle.

> Begin training your infant to drink from a feeding cup at around six months of age. By about 12 months, kids should be drinking only from a cup.

For children over 12 months old, water is the primary drink. If your child is suffering from dental illnesses, then visit Sha Dental Clinic, the best dental clinic in dugri.

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